If a patient is too ill or infirm to attend the surgery a home visit can be provided. If you are able to get to the surgery we will be able to fit you in and you will probably be seen sooner.
Please telephone 0113 264 5455 if possible before 10.30am. Be prepared to give the receptionist details of the problem to enable the doctor to decide on the urgency of the visit. Visits are normally done after morning surgery. You will be visited normally around lunchtime but during busy times this may not be possible. We will let you know if the doctor is delayed.
The visits are shared between the doctors on a geographical basis and therefore we cannot guarantee which doctor will visit. Please remember that travelling to visits is very time consuming and the doctor has to plan his route as early as possible. If you ring late this may disrupt this, so visits requested after 10.30am should only be for emergencies.
If you need a visit which you think cannot wait please tell the receptionist who will put you through to a doctor or arrange for the doctor to ring you back. In some cases, the Doctor may feel that it is best to send an ambulance with a paramedic crew to attend you and to take you to the Hospital.
Out of hours we use an organisation called Local Care Direct to cover for emergencies. Your call will be diverted automatically if you ring 0113 264 5455 at any time when the surgery is closed. Occasionally Primecare are used to help out, for a period in the afternoon for emergencies. Please do not ask them to deal with routine matters as they are unable to do so. You will need to ring the surgery when it is open again. Normal opening times are included in the practice leaflet and elsewhere on this site.